❤️ let’s do it

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Woz Flint

Not sure exactly what you're doing, but if it's snail mail I'm all in. I used to do a snail mail newsletter type thing about 8-10 years ago – sort of a paper Substack – and I still send out letters, thank you cards, and Xmas cards, so this seems like something I'd love.


Bob Sassone


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A snail-mail newsletter is swoon-worthy for sure. You may be exactly the type of person (see what I did there? lol) who will dig what I'm cooking up. Stay tuned!

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Bring back the Snailies! A-woot! 😁

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Snailies, FTW!

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Jun 22Liked by Woz Flint

I’m a snail mail person.

Time was I’d write a different friend once a month.

I exchange letters with my sisters and my adopted “spiritual” son (former student ostracized by his family since coming out).

And I’ve taken part in an annual Letter Writing Month pen pal exchange.

Still could do more…

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An annual letter-writing month pen-pal exchange sounds delightful!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

During Lockdown Times, I put my typewriter(s) to good use. I had to dig around for postal addresses for family and friends. In just under a year and a half, I sent 300 typewritten letters. (Modern tech not set aside, either... I scanned every one as a reminder of what the heck I wrote, so my replies to responses would not be off-topic and my follow-up letters not repetitive...). Got maybe a dozen postal replies and a lot of compliments from those who responded using any medium.

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What a fun project and use of time during those very wild years.

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

Love mail!

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It's really a daymaker, isn't it?

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

I'm a huge fan of snail mail! I remember your snailie experiment years ago and it still makes me smile. :)

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The experiment is about to continue, but with an interactive twist!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

I love getting snail mail. In college my friend Jenn and I would go to the mail then do I g hall. Never failed if we got mail then we knew the food in the dining hall wasn’t going to be good. I still think of that 30 years later. We still send snail mail to each other now.

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The snail mail was the evening reward. And knowing that food first hand, mail was ALWAYS better than dinner. HA!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

Snail mail is the BEST!! We have the collection of letters my Dad sent to my mom during World War II- history and a love story! Such a gift❤️

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What an amazing collection of letters to have. WOW!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

So excited to hear what’s fun thing is going to happen! My fun memories of mail were from my penpal from Japan ! I still have the letter!

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I love that you still have that letter! How fun!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

Yes, please! 😆😆

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Stay tuned!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

Would love this!

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I have a feeling it will be right up your alley!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

Can’t wait to see what’s up your creative sleeve!

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You'll see very soon! xo

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

This sounds awesome!

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That's the hope. Sauce not included. (See what I did there? hee hee hee)

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Jun 22Liked by Woz Flint

Lol that's pretty good

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

This saved me from momentary depression! W writing!

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It if gave you even a momentary smile, it was worth it!

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Jun 21Liked by Woz Flint

I'm intrigued. AND excited.

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I'm excited that you are excited!

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